The 3D Printed Sovereign Armor / Marisha Ray photoshoot, shop update & what’s next? (Part 2 of 2)

The 3D Printed Sovereign Armor / Marisha Ray photoshoot, shop update & what’s next? (Part 2 of 2)

Lumecluster Sovereign Armor

I’ll keep this blog post short since I’d love for you to go check out the gorgeous Geek & Sundry photoshoot with actor Marisha Ray. But before that, I only have two quick things to share.

First, this experience has inspired me to keep digging deeper in finding a balance between fantasy and functional armor design. 

I encourage aspiring artists of all types to do the same or at least take the time to explore the possibilities that history can teach you. Ian LaSpina’s (Knyght Errant) recent video makes a great argument on the value of fantasy armor design grounded in history.

I admit I had many doubts on whether or not I could create a historically grounded design without sacrificing the fantasy element. And with the huge success of Felicia Day’s Dreamer Regalia, there were also times I felt unbearable pressure and fear that I would not be able to make the Sovereign armor equally good in its own way.

Lumecluster Dreamer Regalia and Sovereign Armor
Felicia Day wearing the fantastical Dreamer Regalia and Marisha Ray wearing the functional, medieval-inspired Sovereign Armor. Photographer: Eric Anderson

In the end, both the Dreamer Regalia and Sovereign Armor are creations I’m truly proud of because they’ve opened up a new world for me. Needless to say, my creative spirit is itching to dive back in.

For those of you who are new here, I share a lot more about this in The Making of the Sovereign Armor blog/video post.

Second, I’ve added a new Sovereign Mask and Resilience Mask pendants in my shop.

It may not be life-size armor, but look how tiny and cute it is!!

QUICK RECAP! What is the Sovereign Armor? I made this in honor of the creatives out there who know that, even though it’s empowering to be the ruler of your dreams and creations, you also know how incredibly lonely the journey can often be…Because it’s yours. All the frustrations, failures, revelations, and successes. Only you truly know the struggle you put into it. Everyone else can only imagine. It’s easy to critique, judge, and assume. It’s not easy to keep creating the things that can only come from you.

Lumecluster Sovereign Mask pendant

Lumecluster Resilience Mask pendant

Now, please go check out Geek & Sundry’s awesome photoshoot with Marisha Ray.

You can also read the little interview I did with Geek & Sundry’s Jackie Cole on the Sovereign Armor.

Lumecluster Sovereign Armor
3D Printed Sovereign Armor design: Melissa Ng (Lumecluster) | Historical Armor Consultant: Ian LaSpina (Knyght Errant) | Photographer: Eric Anderson | MUA: Misti Dawn | Model: Marisha Ray | PA: Joey Haeck | PA: Andrea Liu | Coordinator: Jackie Cole

So, what’s next? Another armor?

Maybe. Maybe not. You’ll just have to wait and see ?

Whether or not I am, you’ll see hints of a new challenge and direction for Lumecluster on my Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. I’m currently developing new techniques to improve my design efficiency and most of what I’m creating will likely be in-house from now on…you’ll see what I mean soon enough.

But for now, I’d like to take a brief breather and jump back to making jewelry, masks, and probably more gauntlets. Because gauntlets…:D

<3 Melissa

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