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Dreamer Mask: Empower

Dreamer Mask: Empower


The Dreamer Mask is a sculptural centerpiece and creates a beautiful silhouette when backlit.

“The wax melted, and Icarus, the beloved son, lost his wings, tumbled into the sea, and died. The lesson of this myth…don’t ever believe that you have the ability to do what a god might do. The part of the myth you weren’t told: In addition to telling Icarus not to fly too high, Daedalus instructed his son not to fly too low, too close to the sea, because the water would ruin the lift in his wings. Society has altered the myth, encouraging us to forget the part about the sea, and created a culture where we constantly remind one another about the dangers of standing up, standing out, and making a ruckus.” — Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception

Standing up for something you believe in, voicing the unpopular opinion, going against the norm, creating something meaningful to you and putting it out into the world…all of that takes courage. Oftentimes, it feels like courage we just don’t have…yet.

So, what do we do? We wait. We wait for the “right” moment and the “right” time for everything to “fall into place” or until we “know enough.” But that day will never come. The good news is that you have the power and choice to take flight any day.

Sure, it’ll be rough in the beginning, you won’t know exactly what obstacles you’ll encounter, and you can’t predict your future successes or failures. But with some pain, perseverance, and practice, you’ll eventually get the hang of it. And once you do, you’ll find that the world becomes more vast and beautiful everyday.

In the end, your wings are your own. Whether or not you choose to use them is up to you.

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