Phoenix Gauntlet (Tier 3 - Rare)
Phoenix Gauntlet (Tier 3 - Rare)
The Phoenix gauntlet is the most versatile and comes in a fantasy style or a more traditional 15th century gothic style. You can even get a gauntlet with both gauntlet style pairs so you can switch them out whenever you want. Tier 3 is also the gauntlet seen on Adam Savage's Tested. Check out the images below to see the many ways you can wear it.
- Fantasy gauntlet version: Fantasy details on the gauntlet cuff.
- Gothic gauntlet version: Traditional style gauntlet cuff
- Comes with a pair of cuff links
The Phoenix Gauntlets are forged from the ash remains of the magical Phoenix itself. Each gauntlet is quite rare since it is only possible to obtain a small quantity of ashes every 500 years.
In order to craft these ashes into armor, they sense the will of the future wearer and are capable of being reborn into various styles and vibrant magical colors that provides the wearer with the power to inspire people with awe and wonder. But in order for them to retain their shape, they must be magically sealed lest they also combust into Phoenix flames!
Unlike other enchanted gauntlets, these can potentially fit like a second skin and can be worn by nearly every class, but are favored by creative craftspeople and artists of all levels.