Dreamer Mask: Convergence
Dreamer Mask: Convergence
The Dreamer Mask is a sculptural centerpiece and creates a beautiful silhouette when backlit.
Ideas and inspiration are rarely constant and are more like waves always coming and going. Sometimes they flood your mind, but other times they seem to recede and completely disappear.
As a maker, creator, Dreamer, one of the most frustrating things that can happen is a creative drought. And what do you do when this happens? In a frenzy to get back “in the zone,” many of us often drown ourselves in this endless search for the “right” inspiration. We’ve gotta have it. Right. Now.
While seeking ideas is a good practice, more often than not, we tend to overwhelm ourselves with too many ideas and spend more time pressuring ourselves to make ideas work. When this happens, productivity and creative output sadly hits an even greater low.
Instead of giving yourself a creative ultimatum, sometimes the best remedy for a creative drought is to switch off your inspiration seeking mode and let it all just settle in. To let the ideas collide and to allow them to come and go without expectation. When you give yourself the freedom to recover to a more relaxed state of mind, you regain the ability to make creative connections.
And eventually, your mind will naturally gravitate toward the ideas that you connect with most…and perhaps converge into something completely new.